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Searching for Items


You can search straight away from the dashboard once you have logged in as a standard user. This will return all items available to you now.
Searching for items

Standard search

A basic search is carried out using the orange search button in the top right corner. By clicking this button and leaving everything else blank, the system will search all items available to the individual logged in.

Leave the free text box blank if you want to browse. Or filter the search by adding a key word or use the drop down menu.

The basic search can be filtered by key words

The search tabs

When a search is carried out, by default resources within the primary organisation (your organisation) are displayed first. If there are no items added by fellow members of staff, the message is “no items available”.

The main search tabs

Click the other tabs to show items available in other organisations. The Warp It club tab is usually local organisations. The “Other Warp It” tab details items available nationally. If you cannot see the other tabs it means your admin has restricted the view.

Item availability

If an item is available it is detailed on the thumbnail. The item will either show “Available” if inside your organisation or “Expires on XYZ” if available in other organisations. Click into the record and claim the item if appropriate.

Items that are available to you

Item not available yet

If an item is not available to you, it means it is still being used by somebody else OR if you are looking at a 3rd party’s item it means that the item is still being advertised internally to their staff.

Items that will become available in the future

However the item can be added to a watch list by clicking the green “Remind me” button. A notification is sent if the item becomes available. If the item is claimed by an internal member of staff before this date, unfortunately the potential claimant will miss out as the primary organisation is always prioritised.