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Savings Warp It has made for clients so far

C02 (kg) saved



Staff Time Saved

Staff Time Saved (days)


Waste (kg) diverted

Waste diverted (tonne)


Donations to charity

Donations to charity (million)


Total Money Saved

Total Money


Our Current Customer Happiness Rating is 8.8/10

We have been able to source most of our needs with the expansion of our department without spending a fortune on new furniture!

Anon, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust

Excellent service, fast and easy!

Trish Butchers, Hywel Dda University Health Board

High quality and useful stuff.

Anon, Imperial College London

Total Savings

PlaceOrganisationTotal Savings
1st Place University College London £2,247,306
2nd Place NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde £1,597,056
3rd Place University of Kent £1,392,275
4 University of Glasgow £1,294,110
5 University of Cambridge £1,178,917
6 University of Tasmania £1,145,155
7 The University of Queensland £975,530
8 Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure £897,285
9 Hywel Dda University Health Board £692,012
10 University of Oxford £655,071

Donated To Charity

PlaceOrganisationDonated To Charity
1st Place City of Edinburgh Council £510,661
2nd Place Hywel Dda University Health Board £376,223
3rd Place University College London £232,419
4 University of Glasgow £192,661
5 University of Kent £121,344
6 South Western Sydney LHD £112,223
7 Royal Devon University Healthcare £105,572
8 Shropshire Council £103,145
9 Swansea University £71,406
10 Aberdeenshire Council £71,246

View more league data here.

League Results

Star Items

Save money.

Reduce your waste disposal and purchasing costs. No need to purchase new equipment and resources for your organisation. Find a new owner for your surplus kit in your organisation or beyond.

Save time on clearances.

Manage your building clearance in a timely and efficient manner. Only got 5 days to empty a whole building? New owners can be found even before the clearance starts – so that reuse is maximised and delays reduced.

Save space.

Expensive space is being taken up by unused resources that could be used elsewhere. Give or loan resources to others to bring the unused into use and liberate space!

Happy Clients

If Northumberland can achieve over £60,000 of savings in such a short period of time, other Councils with traditionally higher spend could achieve much more.
Lee Jackson, Commercial and Procurement Services Manager, Northumberland County Council
Exceptional software which will revolutionise the way we consume and reuse resources.
Chantal Beaudoin, Head of Sustainability, Grant MacEwan University





Office Consumables
